Monday, May 6, 2013

Liebster Blog Award!

     I was nominated for this award by Adelma Marie from Beautiful Chapters. Thank you so much for nominating me! I'm more than happy to do this tag and share more about myself :)

  • Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves
  • Each blogger should answer the questions that the tagger has set for them
  • Choose 11 new bloggers to pass the award on to and link them in your post
  • Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers
  • Go to their pages and tell them about the award
  • No tag backs!

11 Random Facts About Me
  1. I LOVE tea.
  2. My goal is to one day become a dental surgeon or pathologist.
  3. My dog is a gorgeous English Bulldog (we all think our dogs are the cutest)
  4. I could live off of bread and chocolate.
  5. If I could spend the rest of my life studying I would. I don't think there's anything more important than education.
  6. My favorite color is red.
  7. I speak Spanish, English, and French.
  8. I can play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the piano (this is about as far as my musical talents go).
  9. Gilmore Girls is one of my favorite shows.
  10. I love the cooking channel even though I can't cook much and I don't like to do it either.
  11. I like to spend most of my time outdoors in the sun.
My Questions
  1. What is the first thing you do in the morning? The first thing I do is turn on my laptop and put on music. I can't do anything in the morning unless I have music on.
  2. If the characters form TV shows or the book world are real, who would you want to be with? (Examples: Will Herodale from TID, Damon from Vampire Diaries, or the Doctor from Doctor Who): Hands down I would love to be with Richard Cypher from my favorite book series the Sword of Truth. This man is my idea of the perfect man. Every time he said or did something my heart would beat three times faster. He's kind, smart, reliable, honest, loving, unpretentious, and brave. But he's also flawed and that attracts me just as much because having someone that was perfect would be so awful. I think perfection is a mix of flaws and virtues. 
  3. What is one thing that you are exceptional at? I excel at making a mess when I'm in the kitchen. If there was an award for it I would have it.
  4. What is one beauty product that failed to impress you? The Loreal eye cream. Honestly, it did NOTHING for my under eyes and made them look bad. Not only was I unimpressed, but also kind of angry.
  5. If you can have any pet in the world, what would it be? I would love to have an owl! They're beautiful! 
  6. Quick! List the five people that you would like to meet (real or not real): Richard Cypher (obviously), Ayn Rand, Shannon Leto (my favorite drummer EVER.), David Tennat (does this one really need an explenation?), and Rory Gilmore (more like be her best friend)
  7. If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on? I would budget out the money. A bit towards my studies, a bit towards books, a bit (or a well sized chunk) towards my parents, and a bit towards savings.
  8. What are you currently reading? I'm reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn (I can't pass up a book with a talking gorilla), I'm also reading TIME Magazine (I love this magazine).
  9. Have you ever done any DIY projects? If so, what did you make? (take a picture if you can!): I've always liked the idea of making things for myself, but no, I've never done any DIY's. 
  10. If you had a book that could be worth a lot of money would you sell it or keep it? I can't even bring myself to donate my child books so I would definitely keep a book that's worth a lot of money. I can't part with any of my books. 
  11. How are you enjoying your blogging life so far? Future goals? I'm loving it! I find myself writing posts in advance and coming up with more and more ideas as the days go by. It's so relaxing to just sit down and write about things that I love and also to be able to talk with other people who share the same interests. One of my future goals is to start a youtube channel and incorporate it to my blog. I like the idea of using both videos and blog.
Questions for My Nominees
  1. What makes a great literary heroine/hero in your opinion? 
  2. Is there a specific genre that you stick to when reading? If so what is it and would you consider reading a genre that you wouldn't normally read?
  3. How would your ideal house look like?
  4. What is your favorite band (or singer)?
  5. In your opinion what are the pros and cons of technology? 
  6. Have you ever visited another country? If so, where and did you like it?
  7. What makes you happy?
  8. What is you favorite movie?
  9. Food is essential and delicious, what's your favorite food?
  10. What made you want to start blogging?
  11. How do you prefer to communicate with others? (text message, email, chat, face to face, ect.)
My Nominees
     That's the end of this tag. I really enjoyed doing this, it's fun to go out and do things like this. I hope you guys will also do the tag. When you post it leave me a comment with the link because I would love to read it. You can also do this even if you weren't mentioned, just put a link with your tag in the comment section. Have fun! :)