Synopsis: This book follows the lives of people who have been affected, or will be affected, by Dracula. When Van Helsing, Johnathan Harker, and Quincey Morris destroy Dracula they think that they've rid the world of the horrible bloodsucking beast, but that's far from the truth. Months after their battle people are starting to develop a blood disease that has never before been seen and monsters are ravaging people. Could it be that Dracula is not really dead? That he had somehow managed to escape death?
Review: Let me just say that this was such a well written book. The story is written in the same epistolary style as the original book, but with modern twists added to it (Facebook feeds, Twitter Feeds, text messages, and e-mails). This is because the story goes back and forth between the old characters which were alive during the 18th century and the new characters that are in the 21st century. I think that this is a great way to write the sequel as we see the differences and the similarities of the different times. Every character is intertwined in some way. The characters tell the story so well that it really doesn't feel like you're missing out on anything. I thought it was expertly executed. Buchan definitely did his homework when it came to writing this book. He writes a lot of information the history of Dracula (or Vlad the Impaler as some believe that he was) which serves to tell us how a blood thirsty monster came to be. I remember some people saying that the book was supposed to be scary, but I didn't think so. Grotesque? Most definitely. But scary? Not so much.
Final Thoughts: I really liked this book and I would recommend it to anyone that is a fan of Dracula or just likes a good vampire story. It was a great book.
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