Synopsis: Christopher John Francis Boone is a young boy who is proficient in math, doesn't relate to people, and hates the color yellow. One night he finds his neighbors dog, whom he liked, dead. He takes it upon himself to investigate the death, but along the way he finds things that he wasn't supposed to find. His investigation takes a big turn that ends up affecting his life and the people around him.
Review: Even though it's not explicitly said it's obvious as you get into the book that Christopher has autism. So the story is about an autistic boy trying to solve a murder. He has big hopes of being an astronaut or a scientist. He's really gifted in math and science. He knows all the prime numbers up to 7,057. He relates to dogs and other animals, but not to humans. Let me just say that this book had a lot more hype than it delivered. I like the story, but it lacked emotion for me. Yes, the parents were frustrated and things were done that shouldn't have been, but it just lacked emotional depth. Anger and fear shouldn't be the emotions that people have. To be honest I didn't really feel a lot of pity for Christopher. He seemed just fine with his life. He had a career goal and he did what he liked. Yes, he was confused and scared at some points, but he seemed to be he understood his situation and got on with what he wanted to do. The last few sentences are about how he knows that he can do anything he wants to so I didn't feel pity, I felt happy for him. I may be a little biased seeing as I'm reading another book that has an autistic young boy and it's a lot more intense, but it could be that Christopher is older and he's able to deal with situations better. Overall this was a fast book to get through and it kept me interested all the way until the end.
Final Thoughts: I recommend this book for someone who is looking for a story that's a little unusual.
Have any of you guys read this book? :)
Have any of you guys read this book? :)
Great review Laura.. :) I just picked up this book from library after reading your review..
ReplyDeleteIni @ Ini's Ravishing Reads